We, the Drowned

Raw and inspired, polyphonic music theater

Taking the novel We, the Drowned by the Danish author Carsten Jensen as a compass and source of inspiration, we roam across space and time. We sail the seven seas and move back and forth between myth and reality, between love for the sea and love for humankind, between drifting sailing ships and sinking warships.

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concept & directionJudith Vindevogel
Peter Spaepen
from & withSam Bogaerts, Saïd Boumazoughe, Stefaan Degand, Stef Depover, Pieter de Praetere, Pieter-Jan De Wyngaert, Enrique Noviello, Ana Naqe, Jago Moons, Peter Spaepen, Matthias Van de Brul & Sarah Yu Zeebroek
musicBOT & Peter Spaepen
scenographyStef Depover & Doan Hendriks
costume designer Johanna Trudzinski i.c.w. Chaja Dams
instrument buildersDoan Hendriks & Geert Jonkers
choreographyHaider Al Timimi
soundStef van Alsenoy
dramaturgyKleo Van Ostade & Orlando Verde
lightsBert Vermeulen
tecnical geniusGuy Van den Bril
image adviceThijs Paijmans
translationVeronika Iltchenko (Russian) & Birthe Lundsgaard (Danish)
language coachAlisa Nadezhkina (Russian); Christina Davidsen & Louise Kaare Jocobsen (Danish)
production managementJudith Vindevogel
business leaderBOT, Kloppend Hert & Het Laatste Bedrijf
with the support ofthe Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government (a.k.a. "Gallop Tax Shelter"), The Flemisch Government, Metropolis - Københavns Internationale Teater, BaggårdTeatret, Marstal Søfartsmuseum, Fonds Podiumkunsten & deAuteurs
thanks toKarsten Hermansen, kleinVerhaal, Divi Divi, Academie voor Muziek, Woord en Dans Mortsel-Kontich & Rooftoptiger

concept & direction

Judith Vindevogel

Peter Spaepen

from & with

Sam Bogaerts, Saïd Boumazoughe, Stefaan Degand, Stef Depover, Pieter de Praetere, Pieter-Jan De Wyngaert, Enrique Noviello, Ana Naqe, Jago Moons, Peter Spaepen, Matthias Van de Brul & Sarah Yu Zeebroek


BOT & Peter Spaepen


Stef Depover & Doan Hendriks

costume designer

Johanna Trudzinski i.c.w. Chaja Dams

instrument builders

Doan Hendriks & Geert Jonkers


Haider Al Timimi


Stef van Alsenoy


Kleo Van Ostade & Orlando Verde


Bert Vermeulen

tecnical genius

Guy Van den Bril

image advice

Thijs Paijmans


Veronika Iltchenko (Russian) & Birthe Lundsgaard (Danish)

language coach

Alisa Nadezhkina (Russian); Christina Davidsen & Louise Kaare Jocobsen (Danish)

production management

Judith Vindevogel



business leader

BOT, Kloppend Hert & Het Laatste Bedrijf

with the support of

the Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government (a.k.a. "Gallop Tax Shelter"), The Flemisch Government, Metropolis - Københavns Internationale Teater, BaggårdTeatret, Marstal Søfartsmuseum, Fonds Podiumkunsten & deAuteurs

thanks to

Karsten Hermansen, kleinVerhaal, Divi Divi, Academie voor Muziek, Woord en Dans Mortsel-Kontich & Rooftoptiger