De Oogststraat (The harvest street)


De Oogststraat (The harvest street), an old 1500 square meter greenhouse complex in the shadow of the Agfa-Gevaert factory in Mortsel, is a place where WALPURGIS can experiment since march 2014, together with other organisations with a green thumb.

The greenhouses – where ornamental plants were grown – had been empty for fifteen years and are now in possession of a property developer. Whilst they are waiting for the zoning plan they gave community outreach organisation Posthof the opportunity to start using the greenhouses for urban agriculture.

At the moment, there are several social and cultural organisations involved with the project, including Velt, voedselcollectief De Beek and us too. We come together regularly and manage the community garden collectively. The urban agriculture project is supported by community outreach organisation Posthof.