
Flemish folkmusic in urban context

Ik neem een bad in de Schelde
Hoeveel tol aan de poort van de haven?
Vaar ik op helden?
Zien we meer dan alleen wie boven komt drijven?


Ryswyck is a pop concert in the shape of a lecture performance. An attempt by two Dutch artists to understand the Flemish battle for emancipation. A quest though dusty archives, newspaper articles, and covert pornographic figments of the imagination. In conversation with historians, activists and politicians. Portrayed in contemporary, electronic versions of the song Scheldelied.

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conceptSascha Bornkamp & Leonore Spee (Teletext)
musicSascha Bornkamp, Leonore Spee & Alan van Rompuy
visual storyElisabeth Roggeman (intern)
scenographyStef Depover
with the support ofRoyal Conservatory of Antwerp & City of Antwerp
thanks toTheater Zuidpool, deSingel, Lief Verbeeck, Bert Anciaux, Herman van Goethem, Omar Ba, Brigitte Raskin, Axl Peleman, Ayoub Sadik, Neal Leemput, Katharina Smets, Vivian Klein, Ivo Kuyl, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Letterenhuis & Mister Copy Antwerpen


Sascha Bornkamp & Leonore Spee (Teletext)


Sascha Bornkamp, Leonore Spee & Alan van Rompuy

visual story

Elisabeth Roggeman (intern)


Stef Depover



with the support of

Royal Conservatory of Antwerp & City of Antwerp

thanks to

Theater Zuidpool, deSingel, Lief Verbeeck, Bert Anciaux, Herman van Goethem, Omar Ba, Brigitte Raskin, Axl Peleman, Ayoub Sadik, Neal Leemput, Katharina Smets, Vivian Klein, Ivo Kuyl, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Letterenhuis & Mister Copy Antwerpen