Saterzang Antigone

Tragic chaos-graphy

The play, the film.


Antigone, Daughter of Oedipus.
There are so many songs, poems, plays and operas that talk about Antigone… The Story goes like this: during the siege of Thebes, Antigone’s brothers fight on either side of the walls. Eotekles defends, Polyneikis attacks the walls and they stab each other.

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concept, direction & decorDirk Opstaele
textDirk Opstaele (after Sofocles, Hölderlin & Anouilh)
musicLuc Brewaeys
percussionMarcel Andriessen & Wim Konink
actorsAfra Waldhör, Craig Weston, Gordon Wilson & Neil Cadger, A. Charman, Marc Dehoux & Pierrot Mol
singersPhilippe Curtis (tenor), Rebecca De Pont Davies (mezzo), Charles Van Tasse (baritone) & Judith Vindevogel (soprano)
danserVesna Puric
musical directionKoen Kessels & Jan Rispens
repetitorsKoen Kessels, Charles Van Tassel & Judith Vindevogel
costumesAfra Waldhör
dramaturgyChristof Grootaers
executive producer, business management & distributionLukas Pairon
implementation decorDe Muur
coproductionLeporello, WALPURGIS, L'Hippodrome (Douai, FR), Holland Festival (Amsterdam, NL), Limelight (Kortrijk, B) & Brighton Festival (Brighton, GB)

concept, direction & decor

Dirk Opstaele


Dirk Opstaele (after Sofocles, Hölderlin & Anouilh)


Luc Brewaeys


Marcel Andriessen & Wim Konink


Afra Waldhör, Craig Weston, Gordon Wilson & Neil Cadger, A. Charman, Marc Dehoux & Pierrot Mol


Philippe Curtis (tenor), Rebecca De Pont Davies (mezzo), Charles Van Tasse (baritone) & Judith Vindevogel (soprano)


Vesna Puric

musical direction

Koen Kessels & Jan Rispens


Koen Kessels, Charles Van Tassel & Judith Vindevogel


Afra Waldhör


Christof Grootaers

executive producer, business management & distribution

Lukas Pairon

implementation decor

De Muur


Leporello, WALPURGIS, L'Hippodrome (Douai, FR), Holland Festival (Amsterdam, NL), Limelight (Kortrijk, B) & Brighton Festival (Brighton, GB)